protest sign encouraging people to have a climate-conscious summer. it reads: "earth is more valuable than money".

Khushboo Malhotra

As the temperature soars and summer unfolds its allure, it’s crucial to remember that our choices hold the power to shape the future of our planet.

With summer in full swing, it’s easy to prioritize personal comfort over environmental responsibility — iced drinks in disposable cups, blasting air conditioning, and shopping in fast fashion stores for summer fits.

However, we cannot ignore that every decision we make has an impact on our planet.  With just a few adjustments to our everyday choices, we can strive for a climate-conscious lifestyle and reduce our carbon footprint- without sacrificing our morals.  These adjustments won’t stop you from savouring the season in style.

Here are eight eco-friendly and enjoyable tips to stay mindful of the environment while basking in the sun and feeling the sand between your toes. Enjoy a greener summer!

1. Reusable Alternatives

Sip in style! Ditch disposables and opt for reusable cups like stainless steel travel tumblers or glass bottles with reusable straws to keep your iced beverages refreshingly cold for longer periods. 

BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag). Say goodbye to plastic bags and bring your own foldable cloth shopping bags wherever you go. They’re lightweight, convenient, and help minimize plastic waste and marine pollution.

Rethink disposable dinnerware. Swap single-use paper and plastic tableware with ceramics or recycled glass tableware for your summer picnics and barbecues. Encourage your loved ones to bring their cutlery for gatherings or opt for finger foods to eliminate the need for plates. When disposables are unavoidable, go for biodegradable alternatives.

2. Beat the Summer Heat Mindfully

Be mindful of AC Usage. Set your thermostat at an energy-efficient level for comfortable cooling, and ensure windows and doors are sealed to prevent energy wastage.

Fans for the win! Use fans as a cooling alternative to reduce reliance on air conditioning and greenhouse gas emissions, as they use significantly less energy, and for even cooler air, place a bowl of ice in front of the fan.

Bring in some natural ventilation. Embrace natural ventilation by opening windows during chillier hours, and use curtain blinds to naturally cool your home. 

3. Redefine Summer Style 

Make ethical fashion choices. Resist the allure of fast fashion and choose sustainable brands that offer garments made from organic or recycled materials and low-impact dyes through ethical manufacturing practices. 

Find some versatile wardrobe staples. Build a wardrobe with trans-seasonal, timeless garments such as jeans, T-shirts, dresses, jackets, and coats that can be mixed and matched, reducing the need for constant wardrobe updates.

Quality over quantity! Embrace a new mindset focused on quality rather than quantity. Save up and invest in a few high-quality, eco-friendly items each year, and take good care of them. This reduces your carbon footprint and promotes conscious consumption. 

Repair and mend. Instead of discarding damaged clothes and accessories, learn basic repair skills, extending their life and minimising waste. Proper maintenance helps prolong their lifespan and reduces the need for replacements.

Donate and share. Donate unwanted clothes to minimize waste and support others in adopting sustainable choices. Embrace a one-in, one-out mantra, donating an item each time you make a new purchase.

Second-hand chic. Reduce textile waste by shopping at thrift stores or participating in clothing swaps, where you can discover unique, pre-loved fashion pieces. Also, you can explore rental fashion platforms to contribute to the circular economy.

4. Eco-Friendly Beauty Care

Make clean and natural choices. Prioritize clean beauty products free from harmful ingredients and toxins like oxybenzone, retinyl palmitate, and parabens. Opt for brands that use ethically sourced, vegan, cruelty-free, and natural ingredients that shield your skin without harming marine life.

Minimize packaging waste. Select products with minimal or recyclable packaging – think sustainable items like glass or bamboo. Consider bulk purchases or refillable containers.

Embrace minimalism. Adopt a minimalist approach to your beauty routine, focusing on essential products and avoiding unnecessary items. 

DIY and upcycling! Get creative with do-it-yourself (DIY) beauty recipes using natural pantry ingredients. Repurpose empty containers or upcycle packaging materials for storage solutions.

5. Sustainable Travel

Explore nearby destinations to reduce air travel and support your local community. Discover hidden gems in your own backyard and minimize your carbon footprint.

When travelling, use public transportation such as buses or trains, rent electric vehicles, or carpool with others to reduce emissions and enjoy a greener journey. Whenever possible, choose walking or cycling which allow you to immerse yourself in the surroundings and stay active.

6. Summer Feasts: Local, Mindful, and Delicious

Enjoy the bountiful offerings of summer by including more locally sourced, organic and seasonal produce in your meals to support the local economy and minimize carbon emissions.

Avoid excess food waste by planning your meals mindfully. If you have any leftovers, consider donating them or composting them instead of discarding them.

Make your summer barbecues eco-friendly by exploring vegan delights, and indulge in recipes bursting with flavours including grilling vegetables, sizzling tofu skewers, pasta salads, and flavorful plant-based burgers.

7. Quench Your Thirst Responsibly

Swap single-use plastic bottles for durable, BPA-free reusable water bottles which can be refilled.

Be mindful of water consumption during summer when water scarcity may be a concern. Make small adjustments to your daily routine, such as taking shorter showers, turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or washing your face, using a misting spray bottle, promptly fixing leaks, and limiting excessive lawn watering.

Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater for your plants and invest in water-efficient appliances.

8. Enjoy Nature Responsibly

Opt for sustainable recreational outdoor activities like hiking, swimming in natural bodies of water, or cycling which will connect you with nature.

Practice “Leave No Trace” principles during your outdoor adventures. Pack your trash, respect wildlife and vegetation, and minimize any disturbance to the environment.

Make a meaningful contribution by participating in beach or park clean-up activities. Pick up trash, protect marine life, and create a healthier environment for all.

As summer heats up, let’s be responsible stewards of the environment and harmonize our love for the planet with our longing for comfort and pleasure, while forging a sustainable future for generations ahead.


Featured image courtesy of Markus Spiske on Unsplash. No changes were made to this image. Image license found here.

Khushboo is a Twitter Editor at Empoword Journalism. She is an Award-nominated lifestyle and pop culture journalist, writer, and budding entrepreneur aiming to break down the boundaries of cultural stigma and shame attached to mental health and sexual health and bring marginalised topics to light. Send your stories, tips, and press announcements to

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