Faye Minton

With the summer quickly approaching, almost everyone is eager to unwind. Whether you’re a student who’s just managed to drag yourself through a rocky exam season, or a worker who would much rather be in a beer garden on a hot day, it’s important to take a minute to reset.

There are so many ways to look after yourself and chill yourself out. But, for me, a good playlist is an instant help. Here, you can find some artists that I love to listen to when I need to sit back and relax – maybe while in the bath or lying on a beach to get away for a while. It’s far from being a complete list, but hopefully it’ll offer some inspiration to someone who’s stuck in a bit of a rut and needs a breather.

1. boy pablo

boy pablo is one of my comfort artists, for sure. He broke out in 2017 and has since consistently provided the perfect discography for someone looking to romanticise their life. So many of his songs radiate nothing but the sweetest and most soothing energy. Most of his lyrics are romantic, drawing on his experiences and observations of love, and are performed over a usually light acoustic track to create a refreshing and almost transcendent sound.

“you feel instantly revitalised and light”

One of his first tracks, ‘everytime’, is particularly dreamy and nostalgic, hooking you into a likely relatable story about a girl struggling to attract a boy she’s fallen for. The story told in ‘i <3 u’ is just as calming, telling of an unexpected bond which proved to be honest and healing in many ways while it lasted. boy pablo is especially perfect for a summer reset – he has such a gentle sound and overall vibe that you feel instantly revitalised and light.

2. Stephen Sanchez

Another soft, romantic singer-songwriter, Stephen Sanchez, has been brought further into the spotlight recently – particularly with the absolutely beautiful single ‘Until I Found You’. He’s a perfect artist for days when you want to feel in love and appreciative of those around you. His lyrics effortlessly convey admiration and dedication to his muse, which is reminiscent of Ed Sheeran’s earlier work in all the best ways.

‘Kayla’ and ‘Hold Her While You Can’ – a more upbeat and folkish song than some others – encapsulate the most serotonin-inducing aspects of falling in love, replicating the urge for physical and emotional closeness to your special someone.

Admittedly, if you’re looking for a mood-enhancing listen, you might want to avoid ‘Love Life’, which shares an extremely personal and dark struggle with mental health. But, overall, Stephen Sanchez has created an idyllic catalogue that inspires hope and honestly just makes you want to hug someone you care about.

3. Kali Uchis

It would be so wrong to write a list recommending soothing musicians without including Kali Uchis. Her discography possesses a uniquely calming aura, and her continuously broadening recognition signifies her talent for isolating the most reflective parts of her audience.

A significant proportion of her lyrics are in Spanish – which I’m personally far from fluent in – but I can still enjoy the emotion behind the performance. ‘telepatía’, which initially gained traction on TikTok after its release, is an immaculate example of this; inspired by the ideas of telepathy and spirituality, it combines English and Spanish to communicate her experience of maintaining a shared and intimate connection with somebody she loves from a distance. Conceptually and in its execution, the song is literally stunning.

“so soft and beautifully fairy-like”

Uchis is able to demonstrate another side to her personality through songs like ‘Dead To Me’, which is empowering in another way, as she tells someone from the past that they’re “obsessed” with her and to “let it go”. But even behind these sassier, more upbeat lyrics, her usual dreamy backing is still present, combining two aspects of her personality to show she’s got it all.

Another special shout-out has to go to ‘Melting’, which is so soft and beautifully fairy-like that you genuinely do feel as though your stress is melting away as you listen.

4. Daniel Caesar

I discovered Canadian artist Daniel Caesar when he collaborated with Uchis on ‘Get You’, way back in 2016. The pair worked perfectly together; their tones and tranquil energies combined in a way that seemed natural.

Like Uchis, Caesar’s music channels messages about life and love and the attached complexities and places them above an alluring, calm backing track, in a way that makes relaxation almost irresistible.

If you’re new to Caesar’s discography, ‘Freudian’ is a perfect album to begin with – it features a refreshing renewal of the classic soul/gospel and 90s R&B genre mix that is just incredibly intriguing and so carefully executed. This album is notably home to another iconic collaboration with H.E.R – ‘Best Part’, like Sanchez’s ‘Kayla’ and ‘Hold Her While You Can’, encourages you to embrace the people you love and almost enlightens you to how special the people in your life are. If that’s not the most lovely mood to put yourself in when you’re stressed and feeling off, I really don’t know what is.

5. easy life

This indie five-piece from Leicester is probably the most rogue of all my choices, drifting somewhat from the typical R&B and Ed Sheeran-esque examples further up the list. But something about them is just unexpectedly charming and manages to help me breathe easier when things get hectic. They topped my Spotify Wrapped by a landslide last year after providing the soundtrack to my entire summer.

“spinning around in a sunflower field”

‘daydreams’ is particularly pensive, providing proportionate measures of love, sadness, hope, and reflection. The music video features shots of front man, Murray Mutravers, spinning around in a sunflower field on a summer’s day, which encapsulates exactly what the song urges you to do.

Some of my other highlights are ‘skeletons’ (a more fast-paced track with a beat that ideally matches a walking pace if you’re feeling like you need to get outside for a stressed-out stroll) and ‘dead celebrities’, (which has a catchy chorus and another sunny-skied music video to help you brighten up your summer).

Featured image courtesy of Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash. No changes  were made to this image. Image license found here.

Faye is a former Empoword Editor in Chief and an MA International Journalism student at Swansea University.

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