Beth Rush

It’s no secret that working in a job you enjoy can energise you and increase your productivity. When you enjoy your work, you want your results to reflect your ambition, so you work harder to achieve them.

Loving what you do can make the job almost effortless and encourage you to reach your highest potential. Here are some ways to work smarter, not harder to help you begin living your best life.

Benefits of Working Smarter

Working smarter optimizes your time and makes the most of your energy levels. It can boost your motivation and make you more productive and optimistic about your work. When you love what you do, you are more inclined to reach goals that generate growth. Having work you enjoy, can motivate you to do a better job and give you something to look forward to.

Appreciating the positive aspects of your job can boost your mental health and make a significant difference in your life. Working smarter encourages you to make more time for your personal life besides the job you love. Everyone needs balance in their lives, no matter how much joy their careers bring them. Working smarter, not harder, can also create more time for rest and reduce burnout.

How To Work Smarter, Not Harder

There are many ways you can work more effectively to achieve optimal productivity and performance in your career and academic studies alike. The following points will teach you how to work smarter, not harder.

Quit Multitasking

Not many are capable of multitasking, so you might feel esteemed and proud when you are great at it. However, doing so can spread your energy too thin and make you feel exhausted all the time. Multitasking doesn’t allow you to focus on the task at hand since you are trying to juggle multiple things.

Your cerebral cortex can only focus on one thing at a time, so overloading it with too many tasks can do you more harm than good. Focus on one task at a time. You can use checklists to help you keep up with your task list and take breaks between your projects to increase your workflow. 

Take Breaks

Take as many breaks as you need throughout your work day. Pauses are essential to your mental health and can help you work smarter, not harder by allowing you to reset and recharge before tackling another task. You can become more easily distracted and tired without breaks, making you less productive.

Use a timer to remind you to pause at intervals throughout the day and make the most of them. Taking short naps or spending some time outdoors can increase your work efficiency. You can also utilize breaks as a time to stretch since sitting for long periods can cause muscle cramps.

Limit Distractions

Turn off your computer and social media notifications and silence your phone. Do whatever you need to block distractions from interrupting your workflow. You can set your phone to Do Not Disturb or download an app that blocks notifications and increases focus. If you cannot resist the temptation of looking at your phone, put it in another room or turn it off while you work.

Start a Routine

According to a 2009 study, it takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days to build a habit as long as you consistently engage in the new behaviour. Start your day on the right foot by establishing a routine that works for you. Use a calendar and make the most of your time. Block off tasks and batch them into groups to separate and organize them for increased efficiency.

Track your time with an app, pen and paper, or utilise your calendar. Having a set schedule can help your work, energy, and time management. Knowing every task you need to complete within deadlines can boost your productivity and help you work smarter, not harder. 

Get Up Early

Getting up early is a game-changer for your work life. Allow yourself some extra morning time to prepare for your day and review your to-do list. You can choose to ‘eat that morning frog’ or put off your most complex challenge for later in the day. It’s about finding balance and the best system for you and your workflow.

But, you need time management and an effective balance to work smarter, not harder. When your energy levels dip and you need an afternoon nap, it won’t cut into your evening schedule if you got up early, started your day productively, and stayed on task. Early birds get the worm — at the very least, it’s worth a shot.

Do You Love What You Do?

When you love what you do, often the hours seem to fly by. You have more energy and focus in your work and can’t wait to tackle your next project or client. Creativity flows like a river and you generate ideas left and right. You are satisfied with your work and feel fulfilled and grateful for what you do at the end of every day.

If these don’t resonate with you, it may be time to look for another job or type of work. Life is too short to live unhappily because of your career and it’s never too late to change your mind. When you love your work, it shows and you will benefit in all areas of your life.

Keep in mind no job is perfect. Even if you love your work, there will always be aspects you might not particularly like — endure the rain so you can see the rainbow and smell the flowers.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Doing more of the work you enjoy will help you work smarter, not harder and free up some of your time. Even when you love your job, you are allowed to feel drained at the end of the day. Use these tips on how to work smarter, not harder, to develop a positive mindset with a more productive work-life balance no matter how much you love your job.

Featured image courtesy of Ian Schneider on Unsplash. No changes were made to this image. Image license found here.

Beth is the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind. She is a well-respected writer in the personal wellness space and shares knowledge on various topics related to mental health, nutrition, and holistic health. You can find Beth on Twitter @bodymindmag. Subscribe to Body+Mind for more posts by Beth Rush!

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