Plate of nourishing food.

Shahlaa Kurji

Nourish to Flourish is a new Empoword Journalism column focusing on living a wholesome lifestyle and the joyous art of cooking.

Hello friend, I’m so glad you’ve found your way here! If you’re wondering what this column is all about, grab yourself a warm cup of tea and let’s talk about what Nourish to Flourish has to offer.

A proper introduction

First things first, my name is Shahlaa, and I am so excited to start this journey with you! I’m just a girl in my twenties trying to figure out how I can strike a balance between my relationships, my career, my interests, my responsibilities, my health and my emotions. It is so important to me that, throughout all of this, I’m providing myself with the proper fuel to navigate all the chaos.

“I have discovered the art of mindful cooking and recognise that creating nourishing meals can soothe the soul”

Life can be hectic and unpredictable, but our kitchen should be an oasis of calm. As I set out to learn how to successfully juggle the difficult demands of adulthood, I have discovered the art of mindful cooking and recognise that creating nourishing meals can soothe the soul and bring tranquillity to one’s day.

Nourish to Flourish will be a judgement-free zone where we can embrace the delicious messiness of life together – I will be here to gently guide you through the sweet, the sour and the salty of your pantry. 

What can you look forward to?

This column will be a safe space to explore how our lifestyles and food choices impact each other. We will discuss topics like hormones and how our food choices can be synced with our natural cycles, helping each other find that sweet spot where satisfaction and nourishment meet hormone harmony.

We will also explore the fascinating science behind how eating can directly influence our mood, stress level, and overall mental health. From mood-boosting ingredients to comfort dishes that warm the soul, we’ll uncover the power of nourishing our minds and bodies. Prepare to savour a scrumptious exploration of how our food choices can dish out some serious mood magic!

“a haven for all souls seeking a wholesome balance between lifestyle and the joyous art of cooking”

If you’re struggling to fit your social life into your weekly meal plan, this column will encourage you to embrace your social butterfly status while still whipping up quick, easy, and delicious meals that will make you the star of any gathering. Home-cooked meals prepared with loved ones might be the perfect ingredient to strengthen and enhance meaningful relationships; with friends and food, life is simply a piece of cake! 

So, whether you’re a seasoned cook or a newbie in the kitchen, a warm plate and a friendly chat are waiting for you here at Nourish to Flourish. Join me on this enlightening journey as we discover how a wholesome diet can become a powerful ally in promoting mental wellness, finding inner peace, and uncovering the recipe for a happier, healthier you.

This column will be a haven for all souls seeking a wholesome balance between lifestyle and the joyous art of cooking.


Featured image courtesy of micheile henderson via Unsplash. No changes have been made to this image. Image license found here

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