Lockdown has given us time to reflect on our lives and make positive lifestyle changes. For me, this has been a lot easier since I read ‘Good Vibes, Good Life’ by Vex King. The book is a Sunday Times bestseller and I can understand why! It’s a self-help book and if you’re interested in this genre and have a desire to live a greater life, I cannot recommend it enough.

The book refers to a lot of different concepts and theories which I’d love to explain to you. However, we’d be here for a very long time and the book explains them in ways I never could. These include the Law of Attraction, the Law of Vibration and Vex also refers to the power of words, which I found to be one of the most interesting parts. You probably have a basic understanding of the Law of Attraction, but have never read into it further or known how to implement it into your life. The best thing I can advise you to do if you want to learn more is to read the book – it explains the concepts in ways that are so easy to understand.

“It’s very easy for us to take the little things for granted and to focus on our future, rather than where we are in the present.”

In my eyes, although it doesn’t state this, the book covers two different topics: lifestyle and manifesting, which go hand in hand. The book consists of seven ‘parts’, which are broken down into smaller, more specific segments. Two of the most important things that the book refers to when discussing lifestyle is expressing gratitude and having an awareness of the present. It’s very easy for us to take the little things for granted and to focus on our future, rather than where we are in the present. I think we’ve all been guilty of wishing time away because we’re looking forward to more exciting things in the future, especially during lockdown.

I think the problem people have with believing in the concept of manifestation is that they need to see results before truly believing it works, which acts as a limitation. The book reinforces that your mentality is your reality. In order to live a certain way, you have to imagine yourself living that life first. 

“you may not be able to change situations, but you can change the way you perceive them.”

However, many people believe that just by thinking about something that it’s going to manifest into their lives – the book emphasises that this isn’t the case. Change requires action. For example, you can’t manifest a high exam result if you aren’t willing to put in the hard work to get it. It’s about mindset and action. If you’re consistent, you’ll see results. It’s also important to focus on your end goal and not doubt how you’re going to get there. Overthinking creates resistance and limitations.

One of the book’s biggest lessons is that you may not be able to change situations, but you can change the way you perceive them. This took me aback when I first read it but once you start thinking back to challenging situations, you’ll realise that perceiving them in a different way could have been the answer to tackling them.

When you look back, you’ll realise that you’ve manifested things before you even knew what manifestation was. If you’re skeptical about it, just consider this: when you think positively about something, you’re more likely to create opportunities to get closer to it. Whereas when you think negatively, you’re less likely to act in ways that’ll bring you closer to what you want or be posed with opportunities that’ll accelerate your progress towards it.

If you do decide to read the book, you won’t regret it. 

Katie Wheatley

Featured image courtesy of @markadriane via Unsplash.

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