Lauren Wilkins

With the new year comes the influx of new years resolutions. ‘New year, new me’ becomes everyone’s mantra; whether that be eating healthier, exercising more, or spending less time on our phones. However, two months into the year, we face challenges.

Because we set our standards so high, these goals are often unattainable or unsustainable, leaving many feeling intimidated on where to begin or disheartened if they are unable to achieve them. This is where small changes come in.

Small changes are crucial to success, leading to big results. We’re not talking about anything too drastic, just enough to implement into your life to help you achieve your biggest dreams and start living your life for you. We have put together some examples of tiny changes you can make in your daily routine that will make positive differences in the long-term.

Make your bed

It is something so simple, but you would be surprised how many people don’t make their bed in the morning. As tedious as it may be, making your bed accomplishes your first task of the day and therefore, will motivate you to complete another. It sets the tone for the day as well as instantly making your room look better. Plus it means that there will be less chance of you crawling back into it…

Write a to-do list

The first step to organisation. There is nothing more satisfying than crossing a task off of your to-do list, even if it is something trivial, such as brushing your teeth. The more you cross off, the greater your sense of achievement will be and you’ll want to keep going. A to-do list will also help you to visualise and prioritise what you need to do in your day which, in turn, will allow you to spend more time doing the things that you enjoy.

Incorporate more fruit and vegetables into your diet

Ever since we left the womb we have been ingrained with the concept that ‘we must eat our 5 a day’ which we often roll our eyes at the thought of. Yet, you would be surprised how much it can really boost your mood. Start small by introducing, say a few blueberries to your porridge, or add some thinly sliced peppers into your cooking. At first, it might seem like nothing and you may not even be able to taste the difference but it is adding a whole bunch of goodness, vitamins and minerals to your meal. Your body will thank you later!

Get outside

Get that vitamin D! Though it may be more difficult during the colder months, wrap up and embrace it. A short ten-minute walk can help keep your mind feeling refreshed and give you more energy. This can be built upon over time once you work out what works best for you. Research from the University of East Anglia even found that exposure to green space reduces the risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death, preterm birth, stress, and high blood pressure. So, put on your favourite playlist or podcast, or simply just enjoy the sounds of nature, and get out there.

Do something you love

We often get caught up in the monotony of our daily routine of university or work which can become very dull over time. Taking time back to do something you love can really enhance your life. Reading your favourite book, working on a personal project, or investing quality time into hobbies are good way to fill your free time with things you are passionate about. This will not only bring you happiness and enrich your life, but also gives you the opportunity to learn new skills in a way that you enjoy.

Do it now

If a task takes less than five minutes to complete then stop putting it off. Minuscule tasks, such as washing up or making a doctor’s appointment, can often build up and leave us feeling overwhelmed. In reality, they can be completed in no time at all. Having a ‘do it now’ mindset will allow you to gain control over your life by helping you stay on top of everything you need to. This is a good habit to develop in the long run to give you more time that can be spent doing what you love.

When it comes to small changes, you don’t have to make them all at once to feel a difference (granted, that wouldn’t be a small change at all). By working on one daily habit until it sticks, before moving on to the next, you can introduce more positive and healthy patterns into your life and daily routine. Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes, and positive change can be the beginning of something new.

Featured image courtesy of Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash. Image license can be found here. No changes were made to this image.

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