Candle-lit halloween pumpkins

Katherine Witts

Halloween is the time to embrace your inner child, from dressing up in costumes to watching your favourite spooky films. However, the one thing we can’t do as adults during the spooky season is trick-or-treating… No matter how much we want free sweets!

So, what is there to do as an adult who loves celebrating Halloween?

Many people’s first thoughts would be to go out drinking or stay inside to watch horror films. You could host a party for your friends and judge the best costumes. But there are only so many times we can watch the same films or play tired drinking games before they become boring. That’s no way to celebrate the spooky season.

Below are some of our top suggestions for those of you who want to try something different this year!

Scare Events / Horror Nights

Those of you who grew up watching Zoella’s Halloween vlogs at Tully’s Farm will be aware of ‘scare events’. The UK’s favourite blogger (at the time) always attended the Tully Farm Shocktober Fest, which claims to be the biggest Halloween attraction in the UK. These annual horror nights and festivals are hosted at multiple locations, sometimes by larger companies but also by individual venues.

This year, I attended Techniquest’s (a science museum located in Cardiff) ‘After Hours’ event, which was for adults-only. I will never forget the thrill of being chased by a ‘zombie’. While these events definitely aren’t for the faint-hearted, they make for a good laugh and an unforgettable experience.

If you’re looking for a similar — but slightly less intense — night out, check out local escape rooms in your area. These can be thrilling without the threat of a scare, and there are plenty which specialise in Halloween events.

Haunted House / Castle Tour

Similar to the scare events, historic buildings across the UK often invite people to visit on Halloween. Many of these locations have long and murky histories, often including a long-ago murder or a tragedy, which are sure to send chills down your spine.

A few suggestions would be Bodmin Jail in Cornwall, where you can stay overnight in the haunted jail. This is accompanied by a tour that lasts over five hours! On the other hand, St Fagaens in Cardiff offers a more child-friendly ghost tour or one for those of you who prefer not to cry on a night out.

Finally, I would suggest researching your local area. These tours can take place in manors, farms, and family houses, not just castles. Some graveyards or cemeteries offer guided walks to learn more about the people buried there. As well as being a source of entertainment, a tour can be educational and allow you to learn more about nearby history.


Halloween Craft Night

Decorating for Halloween isn’t a new thing. However, DIY decorations are becoming more popular. There are endless amounts of things you can create that are spooky-themed: costumes, candles, and cauldrons. Perhaps you enjoy bookbinding or sealing letters with wax stamps. You name it, there’s probably a tutorial online for it.

My flatmate and I love craft nights, we’ve had Taylor Swift themed ones, costume-making nights, and painting wine glasses. For Halloween, we have an annual pumpkin carving night. It often quickly turns into a contest of who can create the best pumpkin — this can be a fun, yet lowkey, way to celebrate with friends.

There are plenty of fun activities and craft ideas if you want a chill night in after a long day at work. Pinterest and online crafting blogs provide endless inspiration created by other people. These range from crafts that a kid can manage to more complex designs.

Spooky tunes in the background are a must!

Watch throwback Halloween YouTube videos

As mentioned previously, many of us grew up watching YouTube and living our teen years vicariously through these influencers. Why not cosy up under a blanket and revisit the videos you used to love? You and friends could even dress up as these nostalgic celebrities, such as the Brit Crew, and share some themed snacks.

There is years’ worth of content available on YouTube to bring you back to your teenage years. For instance, Dan and Phil’s ‘Spooky Week’ or Buzzfeed’s (now The Watcher) ‘Unsolved’ series.

If vlogs are more comforting for you, maybe watch Zoella’s Tully Farm videos. These were often filmed from every point of view of her fellow YouTube friends, which are sure to keep you entertained for a few hours.

The most important thing is to enjoy Halloween however you want to. Whether that means being out all night with friends or snuggling under a comfy blanket with your cat, it’s all about having fun!


Featured image courtesy of David Menidrey on Unsplash. No changes were made to this image. Image license found here

Kath is a native Welsh-speaker and junior news editor for 'upday UK'. She is currently undergoing her masters in 'Visual Journalism' in Cardiff. As a former entertainment editor for Empoword and co-founder of Empoword's 'Pop Babble' podcast, Kath loves all things music, film, TV, and literature.

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