Dear Halimah,

I am writing to let you know that you are about to embark on what might be the most difficult journey of your life, but the difference with this journey is that you won’t be leaving your home for it.

I would like to introduce you to a term called ‘Quarantine’. This is when you are restricted to move and leave your home to prevent the spread of the deadly Coronavirus.

The next year is not going to be easy. It will be mentally and physically challenging. I know you will feel like giving up, but do not give up. You are going to come out stronger than you have ever been your entire life.

You might be socially distanced from your friends and family, but that does not mean you are alone. You are not going through this pandemic alone; the whole world is going through it with you. I hope you find some reassurance in that.

The main question on your mind is probably ‘what on earth am I going to do?’.

Well, you can start by learning to enjoy the free time you have. There is no need to feel bad for days that lack productivity, so go easy on yourself.

I would also recommend stocking up on books, you’ll end up whizzing through them a lot quicker than you thought. Enjoy this time and binge watch as many Netflix series as you can without feeling guilt.

You should also work on self-development. Start working on projects sooner rather than later as you will be able to see more results. Be sure to exercise frequently, go on walks and listen to your favourite podcast on the way.

It is so important that you value this time you have with your family; cherish the days you laugh together and the days they drive you insane; they make great memories.

Lastly, please do not stockpile toilet roll and pasta. There is no need and I am certain you will not finish it all.

In the end everything will work out exactly as it is meant to be, so remain hopeful.


Halimah Begum

Featured image courtesy of @alvaroserrano via Unsplash. Image license can be found here. No changes were made to this image. 

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