Beth Rush

Two people lose their jobs on the same day. One of them heads directly to the nearest bar. “I deserve a drink after the day I’ve had,” they think. One drink becomes two, then three — then they lose count. They spend the next several weeks drinking away their unemployment checks while complaining loudly about their old company to anyone who will listen. They never stop to reflect on what they could have done differently or even what they want to happen next. 

The other person spends a few days quietly caring for their emotions. They analyse what happened and evaluate what, if any, role they played in their job loss. They make a plan and treat the situation like an opportunity to make that career change they always wanted or seek telecommuting over in-person work. 

Which individual do you think will be more successful? Why?

Many people mistakenly believe they are victims of circumstance when they have more control than they realize. Others don’t let roadblocks deter them from making progress. The difference often stems from their core beliefs and attitudes that drive their outward behaviour. Confronting and changing these ideas is challenging, but oh-so worth it. Here’s how to reprogram your subconscious mind for success and confidence.

1. Become Mindful of Your Inner Dialogue 

The first step in reprogramming your subconscious mind is to become aware of the countless barrage of thoughts stemming from inside you and reinforcing your core beliefs. For example, what do you say to yourself when you trip over something? Do you say to yourself, “Oops, are you okay,” and shake it off? Or does your interior monologue sneer, “You idiot. You’re such a hopeless klutz”?

How can you become mindful of your inner dialogue so that you can learn how to train your subconscious mind for success? The best way is to sit in mindfulness meditation. This practice may seem silly, even scary, at first. It can feel like doing nothing — or, worse, confronting yourself in the silence. 

Start by sitting in whatever position is most comfortable for you and remaining silent for only a minute or two. You’ll be surprised how long this time feels if you’re new to the practice. Focus your awareness on your breath, trying to clear your mind of everything else. 

However, thoughts will intrude — this is normal, even desirable, for reprogramming the way your mind works When you catch yourself thinking, refrain from judgment. Instead, simply observe your thought patterns. It may help you to envision a little neutral scientist jotting each passing thought down on her notepad and then turning to a new, blank page. 

Afterward, analyse your experience. What did you catch yourself thinking? Were your ideas positive or negative? Did they serve you and your best interest? If not, how can you confront yourself when you catch yourself thinking along similar lines in the future and reframe those ideas in a more upbeat light? For example, if you observe yourself thinking, “I never do anything right,” counter it with something you know you do well. 

2. Understand Your Default Mode 

What is your default mode network? This term refers to a group of brain regions that show lower activity when engaged in a particular task, like writing an essay, but come to life when you’re awake but relaxed — chilling in front of the TV, sitting around a barbecue with friends or taking in the sunset from your front porch. 

During these times, you might daydream, recall memories, envision the future or muse about the people and events around you. Researchers have found surprising connections between the default mode network and diseases like depression and schizophrenia. Many scientists believe this group of brain regions drives much of our subconscious behaviour. Furthermore, practices like meditation have demonstrated visible changes in fMRI studies. 

Think about it: everything you do occurs because of a series of biochemical reactions deep inside your body and mind. As you experience life, certain patterns become ingrained — if fleeing from the lion meant living to enjoy another day, you hot-footed it out of Dodge the next time you heard a roar. Likewise, if silence was an effective defence mechanism during an abusive childhood, you may become mute when encountering stress as an adult, even if it would benefit you to speak up.

However, you can overcome your default mode and choose more effective ways to respond to various stimuli and situations. Pay attention to how you react the next time someone cuts you off in traffic or your boss reprimands you. What happens physiologically? Does your heart pound? Skin grow sweaty? 

What do you think at such moments? Are those thoughts helpful or maladaptive? Your work in meditation will train you to consciously recognize your mind’s inner workings, pulling out that little neutral scientist even when you aren’t on the mat. Pause before reacting. 

Then, try consciously choosing a different response. How did it feel? If it benefitted you and led to a more successful outcome than your previous actions, you’ve taken the first step in reprogramming your subconscious mind to react similarly next time. 

3. Journal About What You Want to Achieve 

If you want to know how to train your subconscious mind for success, pick up a pen or download a secure diary app. Then, begin journaling to manifest the ideal life you envision. 

Journaling raises awareness of where you are in your journey, helping you track your progress and prioritise your next steps toward your goals. It can help you make the right choice when you reach a crossroads as you create a pros and cons list. 

Keep things positive; while some people use this space to vent, your intention is to train yourself to see the potential bright sides of any situation, not reinforce your maladaptive belief that things are hopeless. They nearly never are. 

Instead, write about the life you imagine as if you were already living it. Use this as an active meditation, manifesting what you desire — and working out the pathway to achieving it in reality. Brainstorm creative ways to get around roadblocks and make lists of small, positive actions you can take, especially on those days when you don’t feel like doing anything. 

4. Surround Yourself With Positive Reinforcement

The people you surround yourself with can either uplift you or drag you down. Spend your time with those who encourage you to reach for your dreams. 

Please don’t be intimidated about associating with people you consider “higher” or “better” than yourself. While it’s natural to feel most comfortable with folks similar to you, stepping out of your comfort zone can introduce you to new ways of living and looking at the world you have never considered. 

For example, maybe you’re a stylist who admires someone who has successfully opened a chain of beauty salons. Attend networking events where they’re sure to make an appearance and work up the courage to strike up a conversation. Introduce yourself politely and ask if they have time to meet you for tea sometime. Then, follow up. They may share some of the secrets of their success with you or answer questions you haven’t been able to resolve. 

5. Fill Your Space With Affirmations and Encouragement 

Other people can be valuable cheerleaders — but you can also root for yourself. Positive affirmations can be really helpful in altering a negative mindset. You can find many of these online, or come up with some that are personal to you. Select a few that sing to your soul and post them prominently around your space. Put sticky notes on your refrigerator and tape them to the corners of your computer screen where you see them every day. 

Are you the artistic type? Let your creativity soar as you turn your favourite affirmations into gorgeous paintings or cross-stitch designs. 

You can even begin reprogramming your subconscious mind by listening to your affirmations as you sleep. You can find such recordings for free on YouTube — or create unique ones using your phone’s voice recorder. 

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind for Success

Two people can experience the same circumstances — but one will enjoy greater success. The difference lies in their mindsets and how they use their beliefs and attitudes to drive the behaviours that get them to their goals. 

Fortunately, you can begin reprogramming your subconscious mind using the five tips above. Once you learn how to train your subconscious mind for success, the sky’s the limit. 

Featured image courtesy of Katrina Wright via Unsplash. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image.

Beth is the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind. She is a well-respected writer in the personal wellness space and shares knowledge on various topics related to mental health, nutrition, and holistic health. You can find Beth on Twitter @bodymindmag. Subscribe to Body+Mind for more posts by Beth Rush!

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