2020 was an odd year for us all, and no one really knows what is to come out of 2021. But what we do know is that it is a year of new opportunities. It is a fresh start and a chance to improve.

We all know that 2020 was not kind to anyone’s mental health but here are ten ways you can improve your mental health in 2021.

Open up

Mental health related problems are nothing to be ashamed about. You would never be embarrassed to say you had a broken arm, so why would you treat your mental health differently? You can speak to your friends & family, or anyone you trust and feel comfortable with. Alternatively, if your mental health symptoms are affecting your ability to carry out day-to-day tasks, it would be a good idea to speak to your GP. There are also many great mental health charities offering support which you can find here.

Reverse bucket list

We become so focused on what our goals are and what we have not achieved (yet), that we forget all the great things we have accomplished. A reverse bucket list focuses on what you have accomplished rather than what you would like to accomplish. It is so important that we reward ourselves for all that we do, whether it be big or small.


It is good to take some time away from life and its responsibilities. Set some time every day to do something alone, where you can connect with yourself and forget about everything else. It can be a walk or even some meditation. Equally, it is important to take a detox from social media too. At times it can be very detrimental for our mental health. Limit your usage of it and schedule time away from it.


It is a good idea to write down your thoughts, happy or sad. Journaling is a great way to release what you feel and having a space to write what you feel without judgement can help you express yourself. It would be a good idea to keep the journal private, if you wish.

Gratitude list

You should make a habit of listing a minimum of three things you are grateful for, every day. This allows you to still acknowledge that there may be bad things going on in your life but your focus is directed to all the things you must be grateful for.

Let go

Alongside a gratitude list, you should make a list of what you are going to let go of. The first step to healing, is moving on. Choosing to let go of things that have happened which distress you, is a strong thing to do. Choosing to forgive and move on, will make you a happier person. Read about one of our contributor’s experience of letting go here.

Spread positivity

If you are constantly giving off negative energy, you will make yourself unhappy and those around you, because you and those around you, feed off your energy. Being more positive will make you and others happier.

Positive affirmations

Make it a daily habit to speak positive affirmations.

“I am going to have a good day.”

“I am going to work through this.”

“Everything will be okay.”

Make time for yourself, EVERYDAY

It important you make time for yourself every day. In this time, you should do something you like and reward yourself for getting through the day.


It is important that you discipline yourself and ensure you stick to all the habits listed above. It takes 21 days to form a habit but it takes less than a minute to break a habit. Make these habits so common to you that you feel odd on the days you do not do them.


Of course, improving your mental health is easier said than done. But you should take little steps at a time. It is a journey, but with time it will get better.

Sending you all a virtual hug and wishing you a happy new year! <3


Halimah Begum

Feature image via Markus Winkler on Unsplash. This image has in no way been altered. Image license available here.

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