Music Therapy

Nargiz Mammadzada

Music can offer a unique opportunity for self-awareness and enrichment of expression by revealing our thoughts and feelings. Throughout history, music has played a role in expressing social consciousness as well as being a source of artistic inspiration for people. From birth to death music is all around us.

Music therapy is a treatment model that dates back to ancient times, but its potential has not yet been adequately grasped and reflected in daily practice. Many cultures still do not recognise the huge potential music holds in medical treatment.

The History of Music Therapy

Music is a Greek word and has the same meaning all over the world. Music therapy is one of the oldest treatment methods; it has been used to treat patients in various cultures for four thousand years.

The ancient Greeks considered music the root of all virtues and a great factor in the education and purification of the soul. Known for playing the lyre in ancient Greek mythology, Apollo was considered the god of both music and medicine and through his music, he relieved people’s troubles.

“Music… is the most effective remedy in cases where the harmony in the body is disturbed.”

The philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras explored the possibility of treating the despondent or the irritable with certain melodies. According to Pythagoras, music, which is the result of the harmony of sounds, is the most effective remedy in cases where the harmony in the body is disturbed.

A Timeless Language of Emotion and Healing

The role of music in communication begins early in the history of humanity. Music has been used in the expression and communication of feelings and thoughts between people and societies throughout history. It has held great influence in the development of the religious, military, and spiritual powers of societies. It has even been debated that music was a method of communication before speech.

“When used in therapy, it protects and improves the mental and physical health…”

Music affects people’s mental, physical, and spiritual behaviours, meets communication needs, and balances social relations. When used in therapy, it protects and improves the mental and physical health of people regardless of their age, proving to be an effective healing method.

Exploring the Revival of Music Therapy

Looking at the recent history of music therapy, Prague music therapist Leopold Raudnitz was the first to examine the medical importance of music in psychosis in 1848. The ‘Music Therapy Association’ was established in Vienna in 1959 and in Germany in the 1970s. Additionally, China uses music therapy innovatively in electro-acupuncture treatments in anaesthesia.

The importance of this therapy method has been noticed again in recent years. Schools are providing music therapy, worldwide music therapy associations are being introduced, and the results of scientific studies in this field are beginning to gain recognition.

Music Therapy in Neurological Rehabilitation

The addition of music therapy to many medical practices, especially rehabilitation programs for neurological diseases, improves quality of life by reducing the symptoms of diseases. For instance, it is a significant step that the movement, balance, perception, speech, and even emotional flow irregularities experienced by patients with Parkinson’s, Stroke, and Speech Disorders can be alleviated to a great extent by choosing the right music and rhythm. The audible ups and downs, tensions and relaxations of the music form a rhythmic synchronization with the body. Thus, automatic and sharp movements are softened and become more controllable and fluid.

“Music has a positive effect on physiological events…”

It is used as a complementary method in clinical fields such as neurology, cardiology, oncology, and psychiatry, and in the treatment of individuals with special needs. In addition, music therapy has an important place in the treatment of alcohol and substance addiction. You can activate different parts of your brain depending on the type of music.

It is known that music has a positive effect on physiological conditions including blood pressure, respiratory rhythm, respiratory quality, and pulse rate. Over time, we can train damaged parts of our brains with music. Since music can evoke positive emotions and stimulate reward centres in the brain, this therapy is often able to alleviate symptoms of mental health conditions including depression, mood-related concerns, anxiety, schizophrenia, substance dependency, autism, personality issues, insomnia, and dementia.

Music Therapy’s Transformative Effects on Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Patients

The results of a study led by Michael Thaut in the nineties that measured the effects of rhythm-based music therapy on the walking ability of Parkinson’s patients reveal the difference that music makes.

In his experiment, Thaut customised drumbeat rhythms for 10 patients to match their walking pace. They listened to these rhythms for 30 minutes daily, while gradually increasing tempo. A month later, without the tapes, 9 out of 10 patients walked 50% faster, demonstrating significant improvement.

This therapy also gives positive results in the treatment of Alzheimer’s. It is mentioned in many studies that advanced Dementia and Alzheimer’s patients can recollect lyrics when they hear the songs they used to listen to. It is suggested that the reason for this is that musical memory is partially independent of other memory systems and is, therefore, one of the parts that suffers the least.

Music Therapy Around the World

Education in the United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, music therapy has a very long and rich history. Music therapists work in national health care centres, schools, prisons, hospitals, and private music therapy centres. There are two important music therapy associations in England. The British Society for Music Therapy-BSMT was founded by Juliette Alvin in 1958. Additionally, The Association of Professional Music Therapists-APMT was founded in 1976 to meet the needs of professional music therapists. The two organizations worked closely together and then merged. They are now called The British Association for Music Therapy-BAMT.

Training in Norway

Although Norway is a small country, it has shown rapid development in music therapy in the last 40 years. In the 1980s, these therapy activities were concentrated around the capital city of Oslo. In 1991, the Norwegian government implemented the “unification” reform. It established that people with special needs have the right to work, go to school, and develop hobbies in their private environment. Thanks to this reform, interest in this therapy increased rapidly. As a result, the Norwegian Academy of Music started a six-month program.

Training in Latvia

During the Soviet occupation patients with disabilities and psychological disorders were not seen in society. They were taken care of by their families or placed in private institutions. Since its independence in 1991, psychology has started to attract the attention of women in Latvia. In 1998, Mirdza Paipere of Liepaja University organised the first music therapy course in the pedagogical academy thanks to support from Germany. These first courses were led by Dr. Witten-Hendecke University, directed by Reiner Hauss, and applied therapy for children and young people.

Education in Japan

Music therapy in Japan has been an area of interest among teachers, psychologists, and psychiatrists since the 1950s. In the 1960s, Dr Yamamatsu (psychologist), Dr Matsui (psychiatrist), and Dr Murai (professional musician and psychiatrist) began practising this therapy.

Soon, the number of people who studied abroad or developed themselves in music therapy in Japan increased considerably and it was applied in rehabilitation centres, hospitals, and nursing homes. Over time, local associations were established, starting with working groups – the Clinical Music Therapy Association and the Bio-Music Association. The Bio-Music Association transformed into the Japanese Music Therapy Federation (JFMT) in 1995 and then again into the Japanese Music Therapy Association (JMTA) in 2001.

Rediscovering Music’s Healing Potential

Music has a rich history serving as a powerful tool for expression, communication, and healing across various cultures and periods. While music therapy has ancient roots, its potential has not been fully harnessed in modern practice. However, recent developments demonstrate a renewed interest in this therapy.

This therapeutic approach has demonstrated significant benefits, particularly in neurological rehabilitation. Music therapy has found its place in diverse clinical fields. It is finally recognised for its positive effects on mental and physical well-being. Many countries have embraced this therapy as a beneficial practice and have set up associations and training programs for it.


Featured image courtesy of Lauren Mancke on Unsplash. No changes were made to this image. Image license found here.

Nargiz Mammadzada is the head of our Sports Section. She is from Baku, Azerbaijan, but currently lives in Gdansk, Poland. She also writes for various platforms in the United States, Australia, Canada and United Kingdom.

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