Many people assume that being conscious about the environment and the world around us is overrated or overhyped. The truth is that if we all continue to turn a blind eye towards an issue that is steadily causing so much destruction, who knows how long it will be before disaster hits? Acknowledging the problem and trying to change our habits, no matter how big or small, can make a truly significant difference.

No meat in this house

Growing up, like many of us, I always had meat. It’s a staple in so many households and is a part of so many well-loved cuisines and dishes. For me, thinking of going meat free was actually quite daunting. To suddenly cut it out of your diet is a big change, and that’s exactly what I did.

It’s now been a few months, and I can happily say that I don’t miss eating meat at all. However, for now I am stuck to being a pescatarian, trying to eat sustainably sourced fish. A huge misconception is that you have to give up on the food you love in order to be more environmentally conscious of what you eat. But that’s not true. Although it can be a huge change, it’s not impossible to find food and meals that are similar or can replicate your well-loved dishes.

I believe an important step is trying to be aware of what you consume.

Against animal testing and supporting sustainable products

Recently, I have become obsessed with body shop, and I can’t believe I wasn’t addicted sooner. I shamelessly myself looking on the website countlessly.

I never used to be aware that ingredients in products also impact the environment and wildlife, palm oil being a main contributor

I thought of what animals go through when products like makeup, skincare, haircare, and perfumes are tested on them is a troubling thought. It’s not necessary. For so long we consume these famous brands and by doing that were unconsciously supporting these cruel acts. That’s why I love body shop because their products are not only good but cruelty free.

I never used to be aware that ingredients in products also impact the environment and wildlife, palm oil being a main contributor. Animals lose their homes and their lives for us to have our famous lipsticks and moisturisers. Sustainably sourced ingredients are the way forward for us to still have our makeup or skincare without the damage.

Fashionable and sustainable

My favourite clothing brand is Levis and they have huge sustainable section. I never really knew how our clothes really impacted the environment. It’s crazy to think the smallest, most unthinkable thing can cause some much-unspoken damage.

That is why I have make a commitment to only support sustainable sections in clothing shops.

It is still possible to shop at your favourite places and it’s possible to research and support their sustainable sections. I sound like a broken record, but awareness and conscious thinking is key to being more eco-friendly.

Christmas is round the corner

I believe that making sustainable choices aren’t temporary, and with Christmas coming up, it’s no exception.

This will be my first Christmas without a turkey, which is crazy to me because I never thought I’d be meat-free until now. Eating good food contributes to the celebration at Christmas, however it’s not all about that. Christmas to me is about being able to give presents to loved one and spending time together, whether that is binge watching Christmas films or being competitive over games.

Cutting down on plastic can be tricky at Christmas, but simply changing your wrapping paper can reduce your plastic waste. This year, the presents under the Christmas tree will be wrapped in brown paper. Although, I have to admit, it’s not that colourful, however the thoughts behind the presents is what matters.

Whether your cutting out meat just like I have, against palm oil or being a metal straw enthusiast, we all have our part to place in protecting nature and its inhabitants

It’s so simple, so why don’t we all do it?

Whether your cutting out meat just like I have, against palm oil or being a metal straw enthusiast, we all have our part to place in protecting nature and its inhabitants. We have to turn the impossible to the possible because every contribution really does make a difference.

I love nature and I love wildlife, and that’s enough for me to change my habits and be a part of the community that wants things to change for the better.

So, what will you do?

Robyn Lawrence

Featured image by Brian Yurasits via Unsplash. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image.

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