girl with headphones on looking out the window

On the 22nd January, Cassie Dasilva released her first single since 2019, and two months later her track Unsolicited Contact has had over 320,000 Spotify streams.

The song’s inspiration came as a surprise to Cassie, after receiving a text on her birthday from an ex-boyfriend telling her all about his new girlfriend. Little did the ex-boyfriend know that his text would become Cassie’s latest single.

“It really comes off as a branch and like a stream of consciousness, because it really was me, it was talking about what happened. And it’s super specific, but it’s kind of my way to get out how I was feeling without actually confronting it.”

Along with the single, Unsolicited Contact also has a music video, in which Cassie made all the props herself and even made sure to have a crew made up completely of women and non-binary identifiers. Cassie had the goal of having a crew of at least 50% not male, as she previously felt her voice wasn’t being heard when working with a mostly male team. But as Cassie says, she doesn’t do things halfway:

“I just was like, I’m gonna work with more females. I’m really glad I did. It started off as a 50% goal, but I don’t really do things halfway. So it turned out to be all-female produced and I was like let’s just get as many female and non-binary crew as we can. And then it just ended up being the entire crew”.


Unsolicited Contact can thank its recent popularity to TikTok after Cassie posted a clip of the music video which got over one million views. Not only did TikTok help to promote Cassie’s new single, but it also found her a new fan base:

“TikTok is nuts because you’re reaching a whole fan base, outside of people you know, or friends of friends or your family, like other social platforms. As much as you put stuff out there. It’s something getting to a limited network of people, but TikTok  is so cool because literally anyone can find something and discover something.”

Although the singer-songwriter always had a passion for music, it wasn’t until she applied for University that she realised she wanted to start a career in music. After getting signed to her first label, Cassie thought she had made it. But after unexpectedly being dropped by the label, Cassie decided she would try and make it by herself. At times not being signed has been stressful for Cassie, but she doesn’t regret it one bit because she knows all the hard work will be worth it.

”If things go well, it’s because of me and because of what I did”

“Its been the most freeing rewarding experience for me; I just kind of wanted to prove to myself that, you know, if things go well, it’s because of me and because of what I did and what I have learned and what I know. It’s a lot more rewarding to see exactly my vision playing out exactly how I plan it.”

Being an unsigned artist Cassie knows the struggles of getting your music heard, so she decided to create the ‘here before this blows up’ playlist, which gives up and coming musicians the chance to be heard by a bigger audience and meet fellow independent artists.

“I wanted a way to connect with small artists who are like me and trying to do what I’m trying to do. It’s really inspiring and motivating also to hear new music and see what people are doing, and how they’re doing it on their own.”

The future for Cassie looks very bright, with Unsolicited Contact already being a massive hit, and a new single expected very soon, along with her first EP. It’s fair to say that Cassie is ready to take the music industry by storm.

Emilia Kettle

Featured image courtesy of Burst on Pexels. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image. 

I'm Emilia Kettle, I've recently just graduated from university with a degree in journalism. I've always had a passion for writing and sharing real-life stories. One day I hope to be a features writer in the magazine industry.

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