Beth Rush

If stress seems like an ever-present part of your life, you’re not alone. Many people struggle to find joy in their daily lives because self-care seems like a distant dream. These are some of the top self-care tips anyone can fit into their routine and budget. You don’t have to wait any longer to take better care of yourself and feel like you’re on top of the world.

1. Get More Sleep

Not getting enough sleep will make anyone feel sluggish. Your nightly rest allows your brain to reset your bodily functions, restore your peace of mind and process whatever you’re experiencing at this stage of your life. Cutting that rest down to just a few hours every night will keep your body from feeling and performing its best.

The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that every adult should get at least seven hours of sleep every night and more than that if you’re retired. Try going to bed earlier in 15-minute increments to gently ease yourself into a healthier routine that puts your health first.

2. Visit Your Doctor

Most primary care doctors encourage their patients to make annual check-ups. Those yearly appointments are opportunities to discuss any potential health concerns or changes you may have experienced since your last visit. It could also be time for preventative care like vaccinations, mammograms or colonoscopies. 

Make a quick phone call to schedule that appointment and stay on top of the world in your physical and mental health. You can always discuss your concerns at your appointment if anything’s weighing you down.

3. Enjoy Aquatic Exercises

Exercising is always one of the top self-care tips due to the happy hormones (endorphins) it releases, but you don’t have to lift weights or schedule high-intensity interval (HIIT) workouts if you don’t enjoy them. Try fun aquatic exercises instead. Whether you go swimming with friends or walk on an underwater treadmill, you’ll lower your blood pressure while relieving stress and reducing anxiety. 

4. Make Meals Easier for Yourself

Even if you’re cooking your favourite meals, spending time in the kitchen can be stressful. It takes time away from your loved ones or hobbies. You may not even enjoy cooking, which many people find too complicated or stressful.

Make every meal easier for yourself by checking out food delivery kits. Comparing services will reveal which brands could meet your dietary needs and budget while providing meals ready in minutes. Even taking one month off of cooking every year will help you feel like you’re on vacation and improve your stress levels.

5. Cultivate Positive Friendships

Friends influence your mental health even when you don’t realize it. Great friends will make you laugh, feel supported and cheer you on when you’re working through something difficult. Unhealthy friendships may seem easy to spot, but that can become tricky.

Toxic friends may manipulate conversations and interactions without you even realizing it. The emotional work will wear on your mental health, making it harder to take care of yourself or find joy in your daily life. Reflect on your relationships and look for red flags like:

  • Feeling anxious before interacting with someone
  • Consistently taking a backseat to your friend’s needs and wants
  • Changing parts of yourself to please your friend or get along with them better

Feeling emotionally drained, isolated or anxious before and after interacting with a toxic friendship isn’t normal. Cutting those people out of your life and seeking healthier relationships is one of the best self-care strategies you can do for yourself.

6. Embrace Your Emotions

Sometimes avoiding your emotions is tempting. You may not want to process heavy news or deep sadness while at work or supporting a loved one. While that might get you through an important day or responsibility, it isn’t good for your mental health.

Every self-care routine should reserve time to work through any lingering emotions. Processing them is a form of emotional self-care that helps your mental health withstand anything in your life. You can do this by journaling, talking with a therapist or channelling your feelings into creative projects like paintings or creative writing.

7. Learn Something New

Knowing yourself is a foundational self-care concept. Consider your interests to determine if learning something new would be beneficial for your mental health. Curious people often find that self-growth projects exercise their anxiety and help them feel at peace. Visit a local museum, learn a new language through an app or sign up for virtual piano lessons. Similar activities will engage your curiosity and make you feel more fulfilled.

8. Listen to Music Every Day

Music is a powerful self-care tool that will put you on top of the world. Find or create a calming playlist that you can listen to daily or every other day. Listening to it for even ten minutes while drinking your morning coffee or doing your nightly skincare routine will slow your thoughts and help you feel at ease during turbulent times.

Make a playlist with your preferred music streaming app or download songs onto a CD for a retro self-care routine. You could even custom order a vinyl record to play your favourite songs on a record player and elevate your listening experience.

9. Drink Plenty of Water

You may experience symptoms of dehydration and assume they have to be a permanent part of your routine. Forgetting to drink enough water is a common mistake, but you can turn it into an essential part of your self-care routine to feel ready for anything.

Keep a glass or bottle of water nearby throughout the day if you experience dehydration symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Dark-coloured urine

In addition to having a dry mouth or extreme thirst, these symptoms will point to a need for more water throughout your day. Reusable bottles are a great way to make that happen without spending too much money on plastic single-use alternatives.

Try the Top Self-Care Tips

Now that you’ve read some of the best strategies to improve your physical and mental health, create a self-care routine that comprehensively treats your wellbeing. Tips like drinking more water, exercising differently and even adjusting your cooking routine will put you on top of the world by revamping your life into one that works for you.

Featured image courtesy of Max van den Oetelaar via Unsplash. Image license found here. No changes were made to the image.

Beth is the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind. She is a well-respected writer in the personal wellness space and shares knowledge on various topics related to mental health, nutrition, and holistic health. You can find Beth on Twitter @bodymindmag. Subscribe to Body+Mind for more posts by Beth Rush!

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