As we approach the end of Lockdown #3 I’ve started to think about the things I’ll actually miss about lockdown life.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m as excited as the next person to have BBQ’s with friends, plan mini-breaks and get in the car again (I have exhausted the local walking trails!) but dare I say it, there have been some parts about lockdown that I’ve not only grown accustomed to but I actually quite enjoy.

So I have compiled a list of my top 10 things I’ll miss about lockdown. Who’s with me?

Wearing my Leisurewear ALL THE TIME

Whether I’m walking the dog, working out or teaching singing online, my Lulu Lemon leisurewear has never been far behind. I will certainly miss feeling the ‘weekend clothing vibes’ on a workday.

A messy house (and not caring!)

The absence of singing students, friends and the mother in law has meant that things can grow wild indoors! I call it ‘living organically.’

Bad hair days with no judgement

The closure of hair salons has meant that it’s not just my house that has grown wild! Yes, I can’t wait to get a haircut but it’s also been nice not having the pressure to look my best. We’ve all been united in our bad hair days and that has been lovely.

Zoom Parties

Whilst zoom cannot measure up to seeing friends face to face, it’s been nice not to have to worry about party food, cleaning the house or subtle hints when I want people to leave so I can be in bed by 10pm. Pressing the ‘log off’ button is oh so easy.

Limited choices

The question of ‘what coffee shop shall we walk to this weekend?’ will now make way for more intricate plans because we’re actually allowed to drive somewhere else! But with choice comes decision making and with decision making comes stress. It’s been nice giving my brain a vacation.

Lower Expectations

No one expects too much from you in lockdown. Everyone is doing the best they can so people cut you some slack. I’ve also enjoyed not adulting as much (such as making that annual dentist appointment!)

Living completely in the moment

Because we literally have no idea what disaster will befall us all tomorrow. It’s been one helluva rollercoaster!

The extra ‘check ins’ from friends

It’s been so nice having people reach out that would otherwise have been ‘too busy’ before lockdown. There has been a lot of kindness and consideration and I have felt closer to people more than ever before!

The money I have saved

The takeaway coffee bill is getting a little on the high side but apart from that, things have been peachy! No restaurant meals, no holidays, no brunches with the girls = A healthy bank account!


I have had more time than ever before. Time to crochet, talk to friends, listen to inspiring Oprah podcasts, go for long walks, make sourdough from scratch…I have loved every minute of it.


What will you miss about lockdown life? Yes, it has certainly had its challenges but how can we truly grow and adapt without challenge? I have learnt so much about myself over this last year and being confined to the house has certainly encouraged a lot of self-awareness, which has led to self-growth.

So go forth and enjoy your pint, meet a friend (or two) and book that mini-break. But don’t feel guilty if, at times you find yourself mourning for the lockdown life you once knew so well. Take comfort in knowing that I will be crying right along with you.


Ashleigh Fleming

Image courtesy of Glen Carrie on Unsplash. Image licence found here. No changes were made to this image.

Ashleigh Fleming is an Australian Musical Theatre Actor, Vocal Coach and Writer based in the UK, in Greater London. She enjoys baking, blogging, knitting and yoga and likes to share vegan recipes and whimsical thoughts on her blog

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