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What Does It Mean to Be an Outdoor Enthusiast?

Image shows two women's hiking a nature trail [outdoor enthusiast]

Beth Rush

People who love nature often call themselves outdoor enthusiasts, but the term encompasses many different interests. You could start enjoying the numerous benefits by getting into outdoor hobbies by yourself or with your loved ones.

What Is an Outdoor Enthusiast?

An outdoor enthusiast is anyone who enjoys going outside and participating in hobbies that couldn’t happen indoors.

These activities may be health-focused or just for fun. Outdoor enthusiasts include the over 64 million people who enjoyed running outside and the 58 million leisure hikers who spent time in nature during 2021. It all depends on what you want from your outdoor experiences. 

What Are the Benefits of Being an Outdoor Enthusiast?

You’ll find more ways to support your overall well-being just by walking out of your front door.

Reduce Your Stress

Everyone feels stressed sometimes. When life gets challenging, easy cardio activities like walking or biking minimise a person’s stress by exposing them to natural features like fresh air and expansive spaces. You’ll feel ready to handle anything when you get back inside.

Minimise Your Risk of Illness

People that spend more time outdoors are less likely to catch airborne viruses due to the expansive ventilation. Constant breezes prevent concentrated virus counts in any particular area. You could spend time with your favourite people and have a lower risk of illness as you would if everyone hung out indoors.

Get More Physically Active

While you could raise your heart rate by walking around in your home, doing the same thing outside may be better for your health. Getting physically active outdoors reduces the odds of developing diabetes, heart disease and even arthritis. This is one of the best benefits of being an outdoor enthusiast because it prevents so many diseases.

Becoming an Outdoor Enthusiast

It’s easier to picture yourself loving nature if you have examples of outdoor enthusiasts. These are a few ways nature lovers spend time outside:

Consider the hobbies you’ve enjoyed in the past. You might find a similar outdoor activity that engages your mind and body. If you enjoy it a few times each week, you’ll start seeing the health benefits that come with being an outdoor enthusiast.

Consider Trying New Nature-Focused Hobbies  

Now that you know what an outdoor enthusiast is and the benefits of getting active outside, consider some of these activities to enjoy more sunshine. You’ll feel better and develop new hobbies that make life more fun.


Featured image courtesy of Holly Mandarich on Unsplash. No changes were made to this image. See image license here.

Beth is the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind. She is a well-respected writer in the personal wellness space and shares knowledge on various topics related to mental health, nutrition, and holistic health. You can find Beth on Twitter @bodymindmag. Subscribe to Body+Mind for more posts by Beth Rush!

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