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A reminder: socialising during a pandemic is not a flex

This time last year my social media feeds were full of barbeques, road trips to the beach, weekend drinks with sunset backgrounds on rooftop bars, and the occasional view from the plane. This year round… nothing’s changed. Even though there’s a pandemic going on.

It seems as if either we’re all posting distant memories of faraway travels and hanging out with friends, or we are actually going on travels and hanging out with friends. And not at a social distance.

Not so long ago, FOMO (the Fear of Missing Out) was a common occurrence, and now, that gut-wrenching feeling has transformed to a feeling of judgement, as I question the actions of those around me, questioning their attitudes towards a pandemic, their lack of respect towards protecting others, and the general stupidity that has apparently now overtaken my feed.

“we can’t really ignore the fact that it’s out there.”

Whatever you, I, or anyone else feels about the government’s decisions during this pandemic, including lockdown and the wearing of face masks, whether we choose to ignore the severity of the virus, or aim to distract ourselves as much as possible, we can’t really ignore the fact that it’s out there. Nor the fear that comes with it.

The ‘new normal’ that is constantly being spoken about includes remote working, less travelling, and shoppers wearing face masks. It didn’t quite include forgetting the existence of the pandemic, and trying to carry on as normal, as if you still need to make the most of the summer with your friends. And that’s not to say we should all mope around inside, as far away from sunlight and society as possible. It’s only to say the pandemic isn’t over. Our realities haven’t returned to what they were last year. Making the most of 2020 summer isn’t about socialising, it’s about surviving.


Meg Amin

Featured image courtesy of @jeisblack via Unsplash.


An English and Philosophy Durham graduate, currently studying an NCTJ with News Associates - on placement at The Daily Mail

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