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Fighting the cloudy mind feeling in Covid-19

I finished my final year of University back in June and I found myself at a real loose end. Suddenly, I went from spending at least five hours a day working to having not very much to do at all. 

Really, I am a person who likes having a purpose and being busy. So, that was something difficult to adjust to. When I was at University in Liverpool, I was doing something most days. Being catapulted into a slower pace of life during a pandemic was interesting to say the least.  Additionally,  having a very anticlimactic finish to University certainly did not do wonders for my mental health.

“I crank the music up and get dancing. It always helps me lift the brain fog.”

You will notice I have called what I experience ‘cloudy mind’, as it is the most accurate way of describing it. On those bad days, my brain feels like it is made of cotton wool and it can be a hard feeling to shake. With a little bit of knowledge about how to get rid of the feeling behind me, I can share my ultimate solutions. Firstly, it helps to have a little think about why you are feeling how you are.

I find that once I have established the cause, I can begin to think about how I will get rid of the feeling. Granted, there are some clear immediate solutions such as exercise and a dance party. Both of these activities help me. Frankly, I cannot tell you how excited I am for tomorrow and the upcoming Disney Hip Hop workout I will be doing. When it comes to dance parties, my trusty Spotify playlists are my best friends. I crank the music up and get dancing. It always helps me lift the brain fog.

“It is fine to have some bad days.”

Also, positive hobbies override negative thoughts. Doing something I enjoy like writing an article or going on a long walk always helps. Make time for self care and things you like. Do not let your brain remain negative. Lastly, remember that you are living through a pandemic and things are far from normal. It is fine to have some bad days. As human beings, we are so resilient and you should give yourself credit for getting through each day. Ultimately, stay busy and try to think positively and things will become easier.


Olivia Devereux-Evans

Image courtesy of author.



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